The Perspective 
Wednesday, 01 February 2006

It’s election time again.

I feel very fortunate today as I ponder the political upheavals in the world. I live in a country that allows me to express my opinion and vote for whomever I believe is best to lead. We take this right for granted in the United States. I hurt for those people in countries who live under oppression and don’t understand orderly transition of power and the freedom of expression.

If it sounds like I am into some serious thinking, well, I am. Only 42.5 percent of eligible voters took part in the 2004 presidential election. What causes this apathy? Isn’t freedom worth more of our attention? Don’t we care who will determine the future of our children and grandchildren? I am truly perplexed.

On a much smaller scale, we have similar situation in our association. Only about 41 percent of our membership voted last year in our advisory board election. Some of our members take our association’s future seriously. They take the time to run for office and once elected they get deeply involved. We need more members like this, and all members should support those willing to go the extra mile.

During December and January, we accepted nominations for the advisory board. Ten people accepted nominations to fill six positions. The nominees are from all walks of our life and are very qualified to be active participants on our advisory board. Please take this opportunity to select your leadership very seriously. We need your participation.

On January 27th we e-mailed a letter to each member company delegate. This letter outlined the procedure for reviewing the candidates and also for filing their election ballot. Each company gets one vote and they are asked to vote for six of the ten candidates. You may review the resumé of each nominee at

Ballots will be accepted until February 22nd. Please encourage your company delegate to vote. If you are that delegate, please take this process seriously and vote for the six candidates that you think are best qualified. This is a secret ballot. The six candidates receiving the highest percentage of votes will be elected.

Election results will be announced at the beginning of March and the new board members will be introduced at our advisory board meeting at KioskCom in April. We will also be introducing our new executive director at The Self-Service & Kiosk Show in Orlando, Florida, Feb. 13-14, so plan now to attend.

Voting at all levels of our free society is very serious. I hope your company will take part.

Please vote!

Posted by: AT 01:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  
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