Blog: Frank Olea 

Frank Olea (bio)
Olea Kiosks, Inc.

Wednesday, 06 March 2013
In an era when consumers are becoming increasingly reliant on technology, businesses today are turning to digital kiosks as a more effective way to deliver service. Digital kiosks not only are beneficial for improving the user experience of customers, but also owners stand to benefit from them in a number of ways. Here are 5 reasons why using digital kiosks can offer advantages for both business owners and the consumer:

Privacy and security

Digital kiosks give today's consumer options for the way in which they make purchases. If a buyer prefers to research, decide and buy on their own with minimal interaction with staff, they have the option to do so. Having these kiosks can significantly improve consumer experience by allowing them privacy when they want it. In addition, they reduce the chance of human error throughout the process and keep sensitive data secure.

Reduces the need for staff

Depending on where they are placed, digital kiosks are generally programmed to serve a specific purpose by either providing specialized information or services. Whether it's a train station or retail store, the capabilities of these kiosks significantly reduce the need for staff members normally associated with these processes. As a result, owners can save significantly on the conventional overhead costs incurred with employees.

Round-the-clock convenience

Consumers are no longer limited to traditional business hours with the 24/7 service these digital kiosks provide. By offering this service, owners convey the message that they value their client's time and business by considering their needs even after hours.

Collecting data

Kiosks have the ability to collect important market data that give businesses insight into opportunities to enhance their business strategy. Having client data sheds light on what customers want and need so that businesses can develop their products and services accordingly.

Low maintenance

The maintenance required for these digital kiosks is relatively minimal. We also offer technical support for our clients in the unlikely case that a kiosk does malfunction.
Posted by: Admin AT 01:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  
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