Laura Miller (Bio)
Director of Marketing

Monday, 03 March 2014

Incorporating learning styles into digital signage is not a new topic.  In a separate post, learning styles were identified and methods for incorporating them into digital signage and kiosk displays were discussed.  

An example of this concept in action can be found in the Swedish hair ad display that changes and coordinates images with the arrival of the subway.  

By utilizing environmental factors such as subway-generated wind, the sign is both more interesting and likely more memorable for those that are tactile learners.

Similarly, creating a digital display that is sound responsive will likely appeal to those that learn in an auditory fashion.

Just stick with the subway model for a moment.  There are thousands of companies that could utilize a similar concept (subway wind).  Amusement parks, car companies, skydiving businesses, military recruiters, and wind energy companies are just a few.

What things do you see or sounds do you hear out in the world that could be utilized in a similar manner?  Airlines could advertise with displays that showed a person looking at a plane flying overhead anytime an ACTUAL plane flew overhead.

Weather adjusting displays, crowd responsive displays, and/or traffic responsive displays likely are already in use but could provide great juxtaposition with better technology and appropriately planned ads.  Vacation destinations should be stressing the warmth of the tropics, particularly at a warm location in the midst of a snow storm.  Commuter rails could advertise at peak traffic locations during particularly messy commutes.  Spa business displays could emit lavender scented aromatic smells in conjunction with a beautiful ad at peak stress moments in crowded transit stops or sidewalk routes.

Some of these integrated sound/smell/touch/hear/feel display concepts are already realities.  What are some examples of existing displays that integrate with the external world and are responsive to the environment?

Posted by: Admin AT 03:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  
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